One Black Woman StoryTelling Services
Empowerment Portrait or
Attention-Grabbing Company Ad !
Inspired By Your Story And Photos
(Or Surprise Someone With A Collage Celebrating Them !)
(Frame It, Use As Social Media Banner, Or Put On A Tote Bag !)
To Inspire Your Custom-Made Collage What Pictures, Story,
And Ideas For A Background Will You Give Me ? – Trayce
“I used the PAPA CAPP Facebook ad to the right as the inspiration for my Papa Capp Collage above, in which I give the viewer my experience of
the monthly Open Mic event. Not great art. FUN ART !
It communicates the SPIRIT
of a place and its people."
Want To Collaborate ? Do You Have A Painting Or A Photo You Want To Give A New Life By Having It Incorporated Into A Colorful Collage ?
“I was ‘refreshed’ when I saw Leigh’s painting ! I’m a transplant from Brooklyn, NY, and I’ve found a creative Charlotte home at the VAPA Center where Leigh has her studio. I asked for photos from different organizations there and used the frame of Leigh’s painting (and a picture of Leigh) to create a collage celebrating VAPA’s Visual And Performing Arts groups !”
Let's Come Up With A Fun Concept For Your Empowerment Collage !
If you decide you want to commission me I will invoice you for half the cost -- $25.
After I receive that payment (my website is now set up to receive and deposit $$ !),
I'll get back to you within with the first draft of my digital collage.
You,' the client, will review and tell me what you like, don't, or want added.
Or you'll tell me you don't like it and don't want me to complete it.
If that's the case --- you get a refund of $10 -- the other $15 paying me for the draft.
If I'm completing the collage I will get you the final version within two weeks.
I will send it as a small reduced quality picture of the fnal collage -- not the actual file.
Once I receive the final $25 payment I will send you the file.
You can do whatever you want with the collage -- blow it up and frame.
Use in social media. Put it on tote bags and on a greeting card as a gift.
You cannot though sell the collage file for money.
You are getting a work of personalized digital art at a reduced rate because the artist
will retain all other rights to the collage, and it will be included as part of her public portfolio.
The artist can also reproduce the collage for sale.
If you, the client, do not want the artist to be able to reproduce the collage for sale
you can pay an additional $50 to take that right from the artist -- for a total fee of $100.
(You still cannot sell the collage image yourself, and the artist can still include the
collage in her public portfolio).